Review Guide

Review Guide - Do's and Don'ts

Online reviews provide you with an exceptional opportunity to improve your business. Not only can you learn valuable lessons regarding your customers’ experience with your business, but you can also manage your reputation online by responding to reviews. Nevertheless, knowing the best way to respond to a review is not always easy.

When writing or replying to online reviews, there are a few things to consider. Follow this list of essential Dos and Don’ts.


For customers writing reviews


– Be polite, friendly and respectful. Even if you’re frustrated, make sure your criticism is constructive.
– Post detailed and honest reviews. Be specific and relevant to the product/service you received.
– Provide helpful and constructive reviews. Constructive reviews help both other potentials buyers and the business achieve a positive outcome.
– Check your submitted reviews page for updates and replies from the business.


– Don’t review the wrong business. Always ensure you are reviewing the correct business.
– For legal reasons, do not post a false statement presented as a fact that is harmful to a business or a person’s reputation.
– Do not use offensive words, slander, insults, lies or misinformation.
– Writing e-mail addresses, URLs, telephone numbers or other personal data is not allowed.
– Rumours, contents by hearsay or unconfirmed statements of other persons are not allowed.

For businesses responding to reviews


– Write your responses sooner rather than later.
– If you’re replying a negative review, be sure to acknowledge and apologize.
– Keep it short and to the point.
– Thank the customer for their business and feedback.


– Don’t wait too long to respond to your customers.
– Don’t make it personal.
– Don’t get offended or use offensive words, slander, insults, lies or misinformation.
– Don’t send the same response to different reviews.
– Don’t overreact even though negative reviews can be tough.